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This page will explain how the commission process is done for those that aren't familiar.

Commission Process

As a freelance illustrator, the majority of my work is through commissions.  

I specialise in character illustration, and love drawing people and pets as portraits.  These personalised portraits make for great gifts, or just a unique way to capture your family and pets.

The process of hiring me for any illustration work is pretty simple:

1.   Email & discuss

2.   Sketch (rough)

3.   Finalise


1.   Email & discuss

Jasper & Snoopy.PNG

Get in touch and let me know what it is you're after: 

  • Any time frames (due dates)

This helps me organise my schedule, as I will endeavour to finish the product on time for you.  


  • Who or what the illustration depicts 

Providing reference pictures of the subjects is always helpful!  Let me know any defining character traits, as they also inform how an illustration is presented.

  • Style, colours & details (optional)

This is for those who have an aesthetic or specific direction in mind.  Things like: traditional/digital, scratchy/clean lines, colour palette, backgrounds etc.  I'll try and cater to any request, and capture the right look for your piece!

2.   Sketch (rough)

Once we've discussed what you're after, I'll draw some rough sketches of the characters, colours and layout for you to check.  I often provide a few different designs/colour schemes of the characters for you to pick, which helps me get an idea of the direction you want to take the image.


3.   Finalise

After you're happy with how the sketches are looking and we've talked about any changes, its time to finish off the piece!  This will usually involve me cleaning up lines, colouring, and adding lighting/shading.

I'll email the piece to you in a pack of different file types (jpeg, png, pdf, tiff) along with a progress video of the creation.  

Feel free to ask me for a quote for your project.  The amount of time spent working on the project will differ depending on what you want, how many subjects, and how many changes occur.

I look forward to working with you!

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